Lovebird Yellowfeathered (parblue) pastel

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Lovebird parblue pastel

The Parblue type lovebird was first present among bird lovers chirping in America around 2001 as a result of a crossbreeding experiment conducted by Felix De Ale an American Lovebird Breeder.

Because of the dominance of the color is yellowish blue and also blue whitish hence this bird is named Lovebird Parblue which stands for Partial and Blue, and Bird Lovebird is included in the Yellow Face.

This type is a Lovebird Parblue obtained from the work of Felix De Valle in early 2001 then

 Lovebird type Parblue itself is divided into 2 types again. The first is Ficheri Parblue and the second is Personata Parblue which both are quite expensive.

Lovebird birds of this type of special traits usually seen from the bright yellow in the head.

The difference is usually located in the color of his body is dominantly yellow bluish.


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